• 二战如火如荼。美国犹太裔飞行员大卫的飞机在一次侦察行动中被击中,掉落在一个德占机场。大卫被抓,意外发现德军要利用收缴的美国飞机实施一个“特洛伊木马”计划,在欧洲投放足以毁灭城池的超级炸弹。即使力量悬殊,大卫和被俘的战友们仍孤注一掷,拼死阻止纳粹的邪恶计划。
  • Captain Ambrose comes from a long line of distinguished sailors...but is all too susceptible to seasickness. After the war, he buys himself a nautical command on shore; a decrepit amusement pier at the British resort town Sandcastle-on-Sea, whose prim town council has outlawed arcade games as a form of gambling! Running the pier like a naval vessel, the captain's determination to make it a modern, going concern meets steady opposition. But with an unexpected new ally, he pursues a remarkable scheme to liberate his ship from land authorities...