• 蛋头先生摔了一大跤死了,以一个娃娃的形式复活,该娃娃属于一个患有痴呆症的女人,她开始回忆那黑暗恐怖的过去。。。
  • Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and he's back in the form of a doll that belongs to a woman with dementia who starts to recall his dark past.
  • 一个堕落的综合格斗女拳王无意中来到一个类似阴曹地府的未知空间,在那里她必须赢得多场不受限制的死亡比武,她的对手既有人类也有各种野兽甚至恶魔,最终她能否拯救自己的灵魂涅槃重生?
  • A group who break into and old mining cave system soon realise a nest of Crocodiles inhabit the caves.…