• What could possibly have ended the tight-knit thirty year friendship of Tully and Kate, our "Firefly Lane Girls Forever"? We'll learn the answer this season -- but first -- Kate grapples with the painful aftermath of Johnny's ill-fated trip to Iraq, while Tully faces a lawsuit after walking away from her talk show, and must start her career over from the bottom. This leads her to search for answers about who she is and where she comes from -- including a quest to find the father she never met, against the wishes of her secretive hippie mother, Cloud. In the '80s, we see Kate and Johnny first fall in love, creating more than a little drama in the newsroom where they work, as Tully's career rises and she spars (and flirts!) with cocky sportscaster Danny Diaz. She just might have met her match -- that is, if they can stop arguing for five minutes. While in the '70s, teenage Kate and Tully struggle to keep their friendship together as Cloud goes to jail for dealing drugs and Tull
  • 感恩节的假期,杰迪和特克去一家名叫"免费诊所"的酒吧放松心情,但是一阵突如其来的疼痛把杰迪送回了真正的诊所。心浮气躁的伊丽亚特粗暴地替杰迪作了检查,却无法确定导致疼痛的病因,直到由别的医生接手才确诊是阑尾炎发作。这时考克斯和卡尔索共同接待了一位重要病人,本森医生是先前的内科主任,同时也是考克斯的导师。当本森突发心肌感染时,考克斯已经来不及帮忙了。困惑于自己的工作态度,伊丽亚特找来另一个病人测试自己是否真得很粗鲁,结果非常令人沮丧。卡拉伸出援手帮助她学习温和轻柔的动作。杰迪担心特克能否做好他的阑尾切除手术,特克因此感到很受伤。手术进行得非常顺利。为了不浪费感恩节,特克用轮椅推着杰迪再次来到"免费诊所"酒吧,和卡拉,伊丽亚特和考克斯医生度过一个还算满意的节日。
  • 是什么可能终结了塔利和凯特这对“永远的萤火虫巷女孩”三十年的紧密友谊我们将在这一季中知道答案——但首先——凯特要努力应对约翰尼不幸的伊拉克之旅带来的痛苦后果,而塔利在退出脱口秀节目后面临诉讼,她必须从头开始自己的职业生涯。这导致她寻找关于自己是谁和来自哪里的答案——包括寻找她从未见过的父亲,这违背了她神秘的嬉皮母亲Cloud的意愿。在80年代,我们看到凯特和约翰尼第一次坠入爱河,并在他们工作的新闻编辑室里制造了一出闹剧,塔利的事业蒸蒸日上,她与自大的体育播音员丹尼·迪亚兹争吵(并调情!)她可能遇到了对手——也就是说,如果他们能停止争吵五分钟的话。在70年代,年轻的凯特和塔利努力维持他们的友谊,克劳德因为贩毒入狱,塔利和她的祖母住在一起,远离萤火虫巷。当两个女孩分开面对高中生活的喧嚣时,她们知道她们真正需要的是彼此。